Christian Broadcasting Network


David Darg


You'll Get Through This

Turnaround God


  • Author: Turnaround God, (2013)

  • International speaker

  • Co-pastor with husband Steve, Life Church, London, England

  • 2 children: Hope Cherish and Noah Brave.


Charlotte Gambill

By Suzanne O'Keeffe, 700 Club Interactive

Charlotte weaves stories from the Bible, alternates them with life issues of today, including her own personal stories to show the truth that God wants to work with us in bringing about change to our world. Knowing we have questions, fears, and doubts, she brings a fresh perspective way of looking at the very things that hinder us. Charlotte reminds the reader of how the Lord took the earth that was empty and dark, and "displayed His turnaround nature." God takes that same part of His nature and turns our lives around, totally and completely; whereas the enemy seeks to destroy the relationship man has with God. There is a power within us from Him that will help us turn things for good in our communities as well as personal lives. God will take the disappointments and help us if we will let Him. "He is the God who doesn't do slight improvements but who can completely turn things around."

Broken marriages, destroyed relationships, areas in communities where there is no hope, dreams not seen fulfilled because of fears, God sees them all and wants to turn them all around. Without realizing it, Charlotte explains that we often limit God by our busyness and the way we live our lives. So, we cope on our own, "put ourselves in a box" while limiting what we are able to do. We sadly end up settling for what we think we can or cannot do without God's influence in our decisions. She suggests we find out what God thinks we can do and shares by personal example that she did not realize the ability to write this book was in her. We must learn to agree with what God thinks of us, and be willing to cross the self-imposed "imaginary line" of limitation. Understand that when you trust God, He will bring the ability and empower you to reach beyond self-imposed limitations. Charlotte shares that it is easy to tell other people to go after their ideas, but "the real test comes when you are the one who" has to take the step of action, not knowing what you may run across. It is at that juncture the Lord becomes the One you become "completely dependent upon." Your ability to catch on to that revelation, that it is God who makes the difference, will determine your beginning and ending. Since most turnarounds do not happen "overnight", Charlotte explains you must stay faithful and committed to the journey.

In chapter 1 Charlotte shares her personal turnaround moment when the doctor's told her and her husband Steve that tests showed she might not be able to have a baby. Over the next several months they sought the Lord, working through their emotions and their faith which was being tested. God then asked what seemed to be an upside down request, "to throw baby showers for other people in our church who were pregnant; some of the people we barely even knew." Not "feeling it", but knowing the God she served, and that He is not cruel and He is able to do all things, she chose to act in faith and believe God. He will often ask an action that precipitates the turn, and it causes us to line up with His plans and His Word. Today, Charlotte celebrates the life of her two children!

Chapter 3 is titled Sticking Points, and addresses not stopping mid-way through the process- no matter the level of tiredness, frustration, and disappointment. A big place of getting stuck is fear. Fear immobilizes you, and will keep you from completing what God has set about to do in your life. Elijah is used as an example of being thrown off course by fear. God still had more for him to do that would affect a nation, but the enemy caused him to be "frozen in fear" for a period of time. Charlotte challenges you to look at why you are not moving forward, and if it is fear realize it is not just you that it trips up, but those around you are affected as well. It may keep others from "taking their turns." In the same manner, disappointment, failure, and offenses will hinder our progress. Using the oil can as an example, she writes that we can loosen our hinges and become unstuck by applying His love to your life, surrendering all your fears and needs, commit to staying in that place with God where we know we will be with Him-everyday. Allowing yourself to be frozen in place only makes you a target for confusion and isolation, but crying out to God His ever watchful eye will be on you and He will pull you forward.

Within arm's reach of each and every one of us are the communities that live in desolation. We can choose to ignore the darkness that holds them captive, or we can boldly walk in and bring "God's light there." He wants us to go in those places we try so hard to avoid, but not in our own ability. God equips us to approach these places with the power of His anointing. God desires to turnaround communities and the places we live. One Biblical figure who paved the way and was "part of one of God's great turnarounds" was Jeremiah. His prophecies upset the king and the result was his imprisonment. He brought a hard message to a place that was riddled with disease, sin, and devastation. When called to such a task we, and most likely Jeremiah as well, want to give the message and get out, but as Charlotte explains, "God was not looking for Jeremiah to do a prophecy hit-and-run; He wanted him to commit to speaking and staying." Having been challenged in this area herself, Charlotte says instead of doing what she had always done in the past, criticize where she lived, the shift began when she spoke with a positive voice. The results of her convictions soon began to change the atmosphere around her and rooted her more deeply in her commitment to help the place in which she lived.

In closing her book, Charlotte suggests we begin to ask questions: "Where do I need to introduce God's turnaround power to my problem? "Where have you said it is over too soon or there is no way where God can still make a way?" Allow the Lord to bring back His plans for you, allow Him to breath into your spirit life that allows you to awaken from dormant places and dream big and "re-enter your circumstances with a greater awareness of your ability to be the answer, and remind your spirit today that you serve a turnaround God and He is inviting you to take your turn!"