Nathan Jurewicz
Ashley Andrews, 700 Club Interactive TO HOME SCHOOL...OR NOT TO HOME SCHOOL
If you were to ask parents who home school their children why they do it, then odds are you would hear one of four responses. 1) "We don't want their minds corrupted by the worldly influence and secular teachings of our public school system." 2) "Our public schools system in our area is horrible." 3) "We can't afford private school, and even if we could, we're not so sure that the influence our kids would be exposed to is any better than the public school system." 4) "We want the flexibility to be able to give our kids a customer top quality education that will prepare them for the real world." Now, every family has their own reasons for raising their children as they do, but when it comes to home schooling, these are the most common reasons - at least, that is what Nathan Jurewicz has found out.
Meet Nathan Jurewicz. He is a thirty-year-old, born and bred Christian who was home schooled his entire school life. His parents raised him to be an entrepreneur, and luckily for him it stuck. Unlike most home schoolers, Nathan opted not to become an alum. Instead, he started several successful businesses in real estate and Internet marketing. There he made a name for himself, training thousands of "full grown" entrepreneurs on how to make money in today's recession. It was around this time that Nathan realized just why so many adults young and old struggle to make ends meet. As he shared, "By the time people realize that educating yourself so you can get a "safe and secure job" doesn't work in today's recession (with unemployment at an all-time high), they are usually in their late 30's, 40's or even 50's or 60's." And he says that the problem lies with traditional education. As he pointed out, traditional education does not teach students enough on "how to."
* "How to figure out what your unique abilities and purpose are in life as it applies to a business that is in demand in today's economic environment."
* "How to handle and invest your money wisely so you don't end up another statistic that is drowning in debt.
* "How to wisely choose a business partner that compliments any character traits, personality type or unique abilities that you don't have."
* "How to develop the proper communication skills to get yourself "in" with the right people that will take you to where you want to go in your professional career (this one is EXTREMELY important and often overlooked). Remember it's not always what you know, it's who you know and how you monetize those relationships."
* "How to make a living in areas like distressed real estate, E-bay sales, video marketing, social media
marketing, affiliate marketing and how to capitalize on the Internet (just to name a few)."?
So while traditional education becomes increasingly less helpful, Nathan insists that the school system is not entirely to blame. "Most families," he describes, "are too busy blaming society, the education system, the economy, unemployment, the cost of higher education and college for one or several of their problems." But, "home school families take responsibility for their children's education and their future." They simply have "a different mentality than most other families...the home school community takes responsibility for their own well-being." If the family believes that the education system is bad, then they create their own. If they dislike the curriculum, they simply find one that they like. And if they cannot find a steady job in a tough economy, then they make way to create their own employment.
According to Nathan, parents should focus more on teaching their kids and less on sheltering them. Or, as he put it,
"It's important to focus our teaching efforts on real world skills so our children can go into fields that people actually need in a recession." For instance, he described,?"It probably wouldn't be a good idea to get a job for a company (or start your own company) that sells luxury items such as spas, pools or pool tables. These are luxury items that people want - they're NOT what they NEED. So layoffs, downsizing and bankruptcies, in most cases, would probably be a common theme in these industries.?It also wouldn't be a good idea," he continued, "to go into residential real estate development in an economic environment where you can now buy houses for less than what they cost to build." With that, Nathan suggests that parents encourage their kids, especially teenagers, to actively watch companies and their movements. "For example, when companies are cutting their mass media advertising budgets and dumping it into social media, it might be a good idea to get into the field of social media management. When the real estate market has tanked, and everyone and their uncle is in foreclosure and all of the Investors are starting to come out of the 'wood work' to buy distressed properties, it might be a good idea to get into distressed property wholesaling."
For Nathan, it is never too early to instill this kind of mindset in their children. In fact, as far as he is concerned, part of the problem is that parents wait to long to share these values. And now, this is why Nathan and his brother Brandon are bent on teaching, encouraging and inspiring young entrepreneurs and home school families all over the country.
To all the parents out there, Nathan asks this question: "With the cost of college rising and the job market so scarce in today's recession, is college really worth it, or is it the big lie?" Now, he admits that this sounds controversial, but the simple truth is that not everyone who goes to college is guaranteed to be unsuccessful. "After all," he shares, "Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey and George Lucas all went to good colleges and got degrees. But...Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford and Steven Spielberg either never went to college or they dropped out. So who's right and who's wrong?"
Over the years, he shares, "Many people have asked me, how myself and my younger brother, after being home schooled, and without going to college have managed to reach the top level of income earners...especially during this recession...and especially when most people have gone to college and attempted to get a 'safe secure job,' but ended up either struggling financially, unemployed, or buried in debt." For Nathan and his brother the answer was simple. But they realized that for people today the answer was not a common one. And so, they created Real World Prep, a curriculum to help parents prepare their home schooling children for the real world. Also on their site,, they share a "tell all" presentation, offering tips on how to ensure success, whether college is a scam, when to prepare your kids for their future, how to use the Internet to further success, which areas promise to be great opportunities during the recession and how to deal with real world personalities. In the end, Nathan urges parents to take responsibility. "Whether you have children, teenagers or young adults that are either in college or thinking of going to college, as a parent you must take responsibility and do your best to prepare them for the real world."