Christian Broadcasting Network



Empty Promises

Empty Promises


  • Senior Pastor of Cross Point Church
  • Author of Several Books
  • Bachelors degree in Communications from Western Kentucky University
  • Attended seminary at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY.



Pete Wilson

By Suzanne O'Keeffe, 700 Club Interactive

In 2003 Pete and his wife planted Cross Point Church. Today there are five campuses located around Nashville and more than 5,000 in attendance. Their ministry is devotion to Christ first and the continual seeking of reaching the unsaved with the love and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pete has recently written a book Empty Promises which delves into the areas of our lives where we as Christians have taken on attributes and teachings of the world, been deceived in our thinking causing us to pick up "empty promises" found in idols. All leaving the places of our heart meant for God unfulfilled and driving us to the next "promise."

In the first nine chapters of his book, Pete explores the different idols that keep us from the purpose of which we are created-hearts that seek to praise God. Describing them as being cleverly disguised as being for our good, our deceived hearts are drawn to these worldly offerings while leading us not closer to, but further away from the heart of God. The central idea of the book stems from the fact that everyone chases something whether it is after money, beauty, success, power, or popularity. We are in search of developing and maintaining a sense of our own self-worth. According to Pete, no matter how hard we try and in spite of how much we accomplish there will always be a void in us that the Creator has set for Himself. The result of the exhausting search for human approval is eventual emptiness and disappointment. The desire for money and the want of it keeps us on the path of fleeting "promises" of fulfillment. Pete explains that we are all wired to worship God and when we don't our hearts will chase down other things. Our search to find direction and purpose in life can only be found in the life of Jesus.

In chapter two Pete makes it clear we all have idols that rob from God but the question he asks is, "which idol is God's biggest rival in your life?"Quoting Proverbs 14:12,"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.", he describes his personal experience of searching his inward man by "paying attention" and "examining my life" that led to coming face-to-face to what was deep within. As he asked himself questions, levels of self-deception were exposed and he began to recognize the empty promises being chased after. What is his answer for us? Begin asking God to help us see us for who we are. Being willing to "see" may mean turning off the radio in the car, coming home and not turning on the TV, or staying off the phone. All these keep us inattentive and hiding from what the Lord may be trying to tell us.

Pete says if you ask most people about what or who is most important to you, Christians would answer Jesus. Upon close "self-examination" the answer would be most different. Questions to ask yourself: 1. What occupies your mind? What do you daydream about? 2. What are the things you are jealous about, who are you jealous of? 3. Where do you spend most of your time and money? What he learned is that our heart wanders from Jesus much more than what we think to the things that cannot possibly provide what God does.

Through each chapter, Pete Wilson candidly points to the idols we turn to but does not leave it there. He takes us back to the principles of a right relationship with God suggesting we focus on God's love for us and the worth and value He gives us. In order to combat the worship of money we should consider the overwhelming generosity of the Lord and begin to give more and "get, get, get" less. This takes action and effort with the Lord's help. Shifting our focus from inward to upward, allowing the Lord to bring His brokenness to our hearts while we surrender our will to His love, will bring an end to the "empty promises" that leave us in constant search for more.

Pete closes his book saying, "I pray the cross will be a reminder to you that Jesus didn't just defeat the consequences of sin, allowing you the possibility of eternity with Him. He also defeated the power of sin, making transformation available in this life as well. For it is as we turn from empty promises to His real presence that we are changed... Because that's been your destiny all along."