Christian Broadcasting Network


David Darg


You'll Get Through This

10 Great Dates



Peter & Heather Larson

By: Suzanne O'Keeffe, 700 Club Interactive

Peter and Heather have been married close to twenty years and have three children. In the early years, Peter was reluctant to be "vulnerable and intimate' with Heather. He writes that over "time, maturity, and God's leading" he came to realize intimacy and sharing brought strength and a powerful connection to their marriage. Having always considered his prayer life private and personal, Peter was not keen on Heather's suggestion to begin a life of prayer together. His background of church was that of expectations to do and behave certain ways, whereas Heather was very involved in church and learned early to pray and have devotions with other people. Initially Heather was saddened and hurt that Peter did not want to be involved spiritually as she so desired. With prayer, patience, and waiting for the Lord to work on him, Peter began to come around.

Their book is divided into ten chapters which list the 10 dates, all with a spiritual theme in order to help couples reconnect in their marriage. Time, age, and stress can cause the best of marriages to drift, but Peter and Heather desire to see couples become powerful in Christ. The chapters are:

* Connecting Faith and Love
* Appreciating Your differences
* Experiencing God Together
* Getting Into the Word
* Loving Your Closest Neighbor
* Talking Together With God
* Building Your Marriage on a Strong Foundation
* Facing the Storms of Life Together
* Guarding Your Hearts Under God's Canopy
* Making Your Marriage a Lighthouse

The Larson's equip the reader with ideas for your date, places to go, and how to make the most of the time together. The chapters review the topic for that particular date, suggesting at the end ideas of preparation. Incorporated should be talks about faith, including reading a devotional together.

The Great Date 8 is titled Facing the Storms of Life Together. Its purpose is to have couples discuss how the Lord has protected you through a storm and, with His love and concern will prepare you for ones to come. Peter and Heather had been married several years when they happily became pregnant. Then sadly, they discovered at the first doctor visit that there was a sac for the baby, but no baby, a "blighted ovum." Grief was experienced but Peter at one time and Heather another, back and forth it went. They share that this "allowed us to encourage each other and grow deeper with one another." as when one was down the other was there to help get through. There were two more miscarriages, and Heather writes that Psalm 71 brought her comfort. Quoting in particular verse 20: "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again." Upon the third miscarriage it was this psalm that she found peace. The Lord drew them to Himself and one to another.

They share that God takes the stormy times and develops the "sweetest communion" with Him and works a blessing out of it. The key is to keep in your thoughts that the Lord is good and faithful at all times. Even though the world we live in is "fallen", God will turn situations around, bring possibility and hope out of what looks to be a hopeless case. Eventually the Lord led them to a doctor who tried a "common medication" and in their words,"Three years later, we had three children!"

In order to face a storm together be willing to talk about the difficult times of the past, encourage each other with the ways the Lord has helped you, while focusing on supporting each other during those times. Casting your thoughts on the Lord during the rough times and keeping on "the armor of God," are two powerful tools to prepare and get through storms of life.

Peter and Heather say to "relax and enjoy your dates." Find a day and time that will work, mark it on your calendar and begin the journey of letting go of past hurts and disappointments from the marriage and allow a fresh and vibrant excitement develop. Commitment, honesty with kindness, flexibility wrapped in love will begin your discovery to refreshing and enjoying your marriage.