Christian Broadcasting Network


Dr. Antipas Harris


Unstoppable Success

Unstoppable Success


  • Associate Professor of Theology & Practical Ministry with Regent University School of Divinity
  • Author of Unstoppable Success (2014)
  • DMin from Boston University
  • STM from Yale University
  • MDiv from Emory University
  • BA from LaGrange College
  • He has received various awards and honors such as International Top 100 Magazine, 2012
  • Inside Business Top 40 of Hampton Roads, 2011
  • Wall of Outstanding Alumni, LaGrange College, 2011, and others



Dr. Antipas Harris


CBN.comAccording to Dr. Antipas Harris, success is often associated with our accumulated finances and objects. He has recently written his book to reveal that if our foundations in Christ are not in place, then the things we desire and pursue will not bring satisfaction. In fact, they continually slip through our fingers, and the pursuit is endless. Dr.Harris poses the questions, "How do we get to the heart of the matter?" "What is true success, and how do I achieve it?" His desire is to present Godly principles and skills that will help people recognize and achieve their full potential to flourish. We all want to live a stress free life, be productive, and move forward with confidence.

Each chapter is devoted to developing Christ like lives to ensure a successful life in our pursuits and challenges. It is God who put the talents in us, and up to us to develop them. Dr. Harris explains seven keys to build character and create success. A few examples are:

Go In Faith
We need to grasp that our personal walk with the Lord is our first and foremost important pursuit in life. Any and all desires will then flow in a healthy perspective and order.

No Success Without Vision
Clear understanding of everything we need comes with first asking the Lord what He thinks we should do. Then sit with God; sit quietly and listen for His answer. God will make His desires known with great detail and wisdom.

Education- The Passport to Success
God grants us wisdom and helps us. One way we can work in tandem with Him is to educate ourselves. Dr. Harris says,"...Paul advances a theology of education. 'I don't want you to be unaware.' "The Holy Spirit will give the revelation and knowledge we need as we seek Him. However, we don't stop there. He explains that we take what knowledge we gain and put it to work. The end result will be that we "produce something worthwhile with that learning."

In closing, Dr. Harris encourages the reader to persevere in their pursuit of God, be diligent to study, walk humbly with others, and live a life of integrity. "With this our lives are positioned for the pursuit of unstoppable success..."