Isik Abla Isik Abla was born in Turkey. She was raised - and physically abused - in a Muslim home, only to escape into even deadlier abuse by a man she married.
Isik entered college when she was only sixteen and earned a bachelor's degree in literature, followed by an advanced business degree. She worked in high-ranking executive positions for some of the largest corporations in Turkey and traveled extensively throughout Europe.
In 1996, she fled to America for her life from a violent husband. After years of struggle to start her career all over again in a foreign country and failing in many areas of her personal life, Isik went into intense depression.
She had a personal encounter with God on the day she was planning her suicide. That day, she received the supernatural healing and redemption of Jesus Christ.
From that moment on, her life remarkably changed for the better. More doors were opened, and she was given a position as CFO, then as CEO, of North American operations for a European corporation. In the meantime, Isik served in many capacities as a minister of the Gospel and as an evangelist and public speaker. Isik started her second college to study Computer Science. After a while, she realized that God was calling her into full time ministry. She left college and went to Ambassador's Commission School of Ministry. Soon after her graduation, she became an ordained minister by WBWF.
In 2009, Isik began hosting a satellite TV program called Light for the Heart on the Kanal Hayat Turkish-language channel. After receiving tremendous response, two years later, Isik added a live call-in program that is simulcast on the Turkish and Farsi channels throughout the Middle East and Europe. These TV programs now deliver the message of love, healing, and freedom through Christ Jesus, reflecting on her own life experience.
Isik Abla Ministries Overview
* English-language show, Embracing New Life, broadcast on Inspiration TV in Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa, recently added Australia and New Zealand to its footprint, increasing the targeted viewing audience to 175 million English-speakers.
* Turkish Live show, The Way, the Truth, and the Life, broadcast on Kanal Hayat TV is targeting 18 million households in Turkey. The total target reach is 100-million Turkish speakers, including people in Turkey as well as Turkish-speakers in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, parts of Europe and the rest of the Turkish Diaspora.
* Farsi programs, broadcast on Mohabat TV, are targeting 110 million Farsi speakers in Iran and surrounding countries.
* Urdu programs are broadcast on Zindagi TV targeting 14 million Muslims in Pakistan.
* Arabic-language programs are currently being dubbed. Once aired (beginning in December, 2014) they will target 320 million Arabic-speaking Muslims in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. One year ago our website was receiving 2,000 program downloads per month. Today it is more than 50,000.
* 3.5 million Daily Facebook hits; a 50% increase in Facebook Likes from 1 million to over 1.6 million in 10 months.
* In 2015, dubbed programs into French are to be aired across 27 Francophone countries in Africa representing a population of 145 million French-speakers, including 78 million Muslims. Programs will also target 66 million French-speakers in France, which includes 6 million Muslims.
* In 2015 plans to dub English-language shows into Indonesian to reach the world's largest Muslim nation, with a target audience of 203 million Muslims.
* 101 project is to reach 101 million Muslims with the gospel of Jesus Christ
* Our ultimate goal is to reach 500 million Muslims for Christ!
Semra Turk, a Muslim woman from Turkey, recently wrote in to us: "I thank God for you and your programs. I cannot thank you enough. I thank you for all your help Isik Abla. I was going to kill myself. I had no hope. You saved my life and because of your programs my children have a mother today. Otherwise they were not going to have a mother. I am telling everybody from here today; please, please watch Isik Abla's programs. You can find her programs on You Tube too. I received answers for all my problems. But more important, I met Jesus Christ and I got to know him."
Muslim Woman, Selvi Ince wrote: "After watching your programs and following your posts on Facebook, I started searching about Christianity and I am very interested. Your TV programs impacted my life a great deal. I feel very fortunate to be able to watch your programs. I am in a very religious community and I have no one to talk. But your TV programs started changing things in my heart that I can't put into words. Something started happening in my heart."
Documented Salvations in 2014- 153
Isik's thoughts on women in the Middle East:
"It is my desire to see women of every nation, especially those in the Middle East, to be free in Christ. Islam is a very dark and volatile religion. Women are treated worse than dogs. I have seen that the more that Islam rears its ugly head- the more women and men start more earnestly searching for the truth. I have received thousands of emails from women and men who have seen Islam for all it is and are readily surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ knowing that He is the Way the Truth and the Life!
Salvation of her father as told by Isik:
My father hated Armenians with all his heart. His family killed 15 Armenians, tied them together and burned them. And my father's family received a gold medal for that from the government. I was going to have a an Armenian church. I said, "Dad, I don't want you to come to church." And he was like, "Whatever. I'm going to Armenian church with you then because I'm not even going to let them to hurt my daughter." So he's sitting next to me and every time pastor is saying something, my father is like mocking. Then the pastor started giving his testimony. His wife and he woke up one morning and their children were dead. They were poisoned by gas. Everybody turned and they point my dad to me. And my father was weeping. We went back home that day; he was quiet. My father is never quiet. Then suddenly, he ran to my mother and he kneeled in front of my mother and he asked her forgiveness. Then he came and he kneeled in front of me and he asked my forgiveness. And he said, "I never heard anything in my life so powerful as he heard in that Armenian church." And after three days when I had my conference, I made an altar call and my father responded to the altar call. And right now, my father, that man that - who hated Armenians passionately, goes only to that Armenian church.